#Actcontrol software activation key software#
The cryptographic keys that protect your software are securely stored in a CmActLicense that is separate from your software. If you are using Protection Suite to protect your software against reverse engineering and you do not require any licensing, a license without activation is the optimal solution for you.
#Actcontrol software activation key trial#
In this case, you will need a CodeMeter Trial License. A time-limited license that your user can import just once can be used as a demo/trial license.
Software publishers can also choose whether CmActLicenses can be imported once only or several times on the same computer. Once the import process is complete, these CmActLicenses are bound to the machine and can be used as secure repositories for licenses and cryptographic keys. Such CmActLicenses are already pre-activated, are not bound to any hardware property of the user’s computer, and can be imported onto any computer. Software vendors can create CmActLicenses that can be used without any activation.
Own hardware setup, selecting properties related to: hard drive (D), network card (N), CPU (C), and motherboard (B).However, if you prefer to set the bond yourself, CodeMeter offers the following options: SmartBind automatically selects the optimal binding mechanism for your CmActLicense. Software publishers can choose from the following tolerance levels: The patented tolerance mechanism ensures that the CmActLicense and the cryptographic keys stored in the license file remain valid, even when the hardware of the computer is replaced within the tolerance level selected. Virtual environments and their specific characteristics are automatically detected as well. The fingerprint automatically takes the environment and the operating system of your user into account. CodeMeter SmartBind creates a fingerprint of your user’s computer, which records several hardware properties, such as the hard disk, motherboard, network card, and CPU. Training in software licensing and software protectionĬodeMeter SmartBind ® is a patented solution for binding a CmActLicense to a computer that combines security and flexibility.Secure Password Management for the Siemens TIA Portal.Integrating CodeMeter License Central in an SAP back office solution.SAP Entitlement Management and Wibu-Systems CodeMeter.